FY24 Tax Promo Terms and Conditions

You agree to the following terms and conditions for the FY24 Tax Promo (FY24 TX Promo Terms), which must be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Team Thrive No 2 Pty Ltd ABN 26 677 263 606 (available here), Registered Tax Agent No.26262416 (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘Thriday Accounting’). 

If there is any inconsistency regarding the same subject matter these FY24 Tax Promo Terms prevail:

  1. Eligible Customer: To be eligible to take part in this promotion you must: 
    • Be a current paying subscriber of Team Thrive Pty Ltd ABN 15 637 676 496 (Thriday), that has paid all outstanding subscriptions to Thriday and does not have a suspended account. 
    • Undertake the necessary steps to appoint Thriday Accounting as your registered tax agent. 
    • Have not applied for and/or received the benefit of the FY24 Tax Promo under another entity. 
    • Not be under investigation or have any outstanding liabilities to the Australian Taxation Office or any foreign tax agency for FY24 or any prior period. 
    • Be a single taxable entity. 
  2. FY24 Tax Promo Scope of Services:  
    • The scope of services (FY24 Tax Promo Scope of Services) you may be eligible for is: 
      • Business Activity Statement (BAS): 
        • One BAS lodgment only for activity captured in Thriday 
        • Review of transactions for the period in Thriday 
        • Review of GST allocations for the period 
        • Revision of any errors 
        • Lodgment of one BAS with the ATO 
        • 1 x 30-minute phone call  
      • Income Tax Return (ITR): 
        • An ITR for the year ended 30 June 2024 
        • Relevant income and expenses from Thriday 
        • Wages and salary income for the period 
        • Any work from home expenses that are relevant 
        • Any motor vehicle expenses that are relevant 
        • 1 hour total for review of the ITR 
        • 1 x 45-minute phone call 
    • If your scope of services needs to go beyond the FY24 Tax Promo Scope of Services (which Thriday Accounting will decide in its absolute discretion), we will notify you and provide you with options regarding continued engagement for a fee. 
  3. What we will not do: 
    • We will not audit your accounts and therefore cannot form any opinion of their accuracy. 
    • We will not be looking for irregularities or errors, including fraud and illegal acts. However, we will notify you if we suspect something might not be quite right. 
    • We will not undertake any work on anything outside of FY24. 
    • We will not undertake work on matters that concern any entity other than the Eligible Customer. 
  4. Period of engagement  
    • The engagement of Thriday Accounting will start when you are confirmed as an Eligible Customer. 
    • Following the completion of the services under the FY24 Tax Promo, your engagement of Thriday Accounting as your registered tax agent will continue until terminated by you or Thriday Accounting. 
  5. Your responsibilities: 
    • You are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all the information you give us. 
    • You agree to disclose all relevant information to us and arrange reasonable and timely access to relevant individuals and documents to allow us to do our job quickly and efficiently. 
    • You are ultimately responsible for the resulting annual accounts and ITR or BAS we prepare on your behalf under this engagement. 
  6. Our responsibilities: 
    • We are responsible for keeping any information we get from you confidential. 
    • Unless we have your consent, we will not disclose this information to any other party unless required by law. However, our files may be subjected to quality control review by the professional accountancy body of which we are a member. If this occurs, we will notify you in advance. 
  7. Fees: 
    • Our fees for the FY24 Tax Promo Scope of Services will be $0.00. 
    • If the work required on your account goes beyond the FY24 Tax Promo Scope of Services, we will notify you and seek your confirmation to incur fees.  If we incur fees, our fees are calculated based on time spent on your work by staff members. The rate used is based on the degree of skill and responsibility involved. We will charge you separately with any direct expenses we incur on your behalf. We will issue a final invoice when we finish your work. An additional fee is charged for our time if you later instruct us to re-prepare your tax return with new information. 
  8. Non-assignment and no multiple entries 
    • The benefit under the FY24 Tax Promo is non assignable. 
    • The benefit under the FY24 Tax Promo may only be claimed once and you may not apply multiple times (yourself or through another entity you control). 
  9. Duration and cancelling the FY24 Tax Promo:  
    • The FY24 Tax Promo is available to Eligible Customers until 11:59pm on 31 October 2024, unless cancelled earlier by Thriday Accounting.
    • The FY24 Tax Promo may be cancelled by Thriday Accounting at any time in our sole discretion and you may not apply for the FY24 Tax Promo following the promotions cancellation.