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Auto Accounting

Win back time by automating accounting

Thriday can save you a huge amount of time and money on accounting. Get real-time, automated cash flow and tax forecasts. Take advantage of comprehensive reports like income statements, cash flow and balance sheets. Know where you stand when it comes to your cash position at any time. Lodge your BAS from your Thriday account.

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Cash flow, tax and income forecasts and reporting

Why Auto Accounting?

We asked thousands of small business owners this question:

‘What’s the single biggest challenge you face when it comes to managing your business finances?’

This answer stood out:

"The cost of accounting and bookkeeping services. I'm always looking to reduce the effort and cost to do this, as I'm a small business, yet have to have an internal resource, external bookkeeper and accounting practice all "helping" me, with very little automation."

What is Auto Accounting?

Traditionally, businesses pay accountants lots of money to understand and interpret a bunch of ever-changing rules and carry out many tedious, time-consuming processes to meet their tax obligations.

Thriday, being an all-in-one financial management platform, flips that on its head.

By programming those rules into the platform and applying them to the transaction data from your integrated business bank account*, we can use machine learning, AI and intelligent algorithms to automate many of the expensive tasks businesses pay accountants for today.

Quite simply, Thriday automates the accounting needs of small businesses to save you time and money!

How does Auto Accounting work?


Become a Thriday member where we'll ask you to confirm your business type.


Make sure all of your income and expenses are running through your Thriday account.


Add your business assets or loan payments if you have any.


Submit your BAS to the ATO each quarter or export your documents and get your accountant to submit them for you.


Come tax time at the end of the financial year; you can do the same. Submit your tax records to the ATO or export your documents and get your accountant to submit them for you.

What can I do with Auto Accounting?

Auto Accounting gives you on-demand visibility of your tax position, profit and loss and more.
You can look at detailed reporting charts to get an overall feel for the health of your business.
You can send reports to your accountant or send reminders to yourself at tax time.
Avoid surprises and simplify budgeting with automatically calculated GST, tax and cash flow forecasts.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If I use Thriday Accounting, do I still need an accountant?

Are there added costs to get full use of ATO submission?

Can I just use the Auto Accounting feature without using any other features in Thriday?

Why waste time on financial admin when Thriday can automate it for you?

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