Small Business Glossary

Corporate Performance Management - definition & overview


Corporate Performance Management, processes, systems and methodologies used to monitor, manage and analyse key business metrics and performance indicators.

Corporate Performance Management (CPM), also known as Business Performance Management (BPM), is a strategic approach that organisations use to monitor, manage, and enhance their performance. It involves the systematic alignment of resources with strategic objectives, followed by the measurement, analysis, and optimisation of performance to achieve these objectives.

CPM is a critical aspect of small business management, as it enables businesses to understand their performance in relation to their goals, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions to drive growth and profitability. This comprehensive glossary entry will delve into the intricate details of Corporate Performance Management, its components, benefits, and its role in small businesses.

Understanding Corporate Performance Management

CPM is a management tool that helps businesses to plan, monitor, and manage their operations. It involves setting clear objectives, measuring performance against these objectives, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance. The aim is to ensure that all business activities are aligned with the overall strategic goals of the organisation.

CPM is not a one-time activity but a continuous process that involves regular monitoring and evaluation of performance. It requires the use of performance metrics, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), to measure performance and identify areas of improvement. These metrics can be financial, such as revenue and profit margins, or non-financial, such as customer satisfaction and employee engagement.

Components of Corporate Performance Management

CPM comprises several components, each playing a crucial role in the management of business performance. These include strategic planning, budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting, and performance measurement and analysis.

Strategic planning involves defining the business's mission, vision, and strategic objectives. Budgeting and forecasting, on the other hand, involve estimating future financial performance based on past trends and current market conditions. Financial reporting involves the preparation and presentation of financial statements to provide stakeholders with information about the financial health of the business. Lastly, performance measurement and analysis involve the use of KPIs to measure performance and identify areas of improvement.

Role of Technology in Corporate Performance Management

Technology plays a significant role in CPM. With the advent of advanced software and tools, businesses can automate their CPM processes, making them more efficient and accurate. These tools can help businesses collect, analyse, and report performance data, enabling them to make informed decisions.

For instance, CPM software can automate the process of collecting and analysing performance data, reducing the time and effort required to monitor performance. It can also provide real-time insights into performance, allowing businesses to make quick adjustments to improve performance. Additionally, CPM software can integrate with other business systems, such as ERP and CRM, to provide a holistic view of business performance.

Benefits of Corporate Performance Management

CPM offers numerous benefits to small businesses. It enables businesses to align their activities with their strategic goals, improving their overall performance. By measuring performance against set objectives, businesses can identify areas of improvement and take corrective action to enhance performance.

CPM also promotes accountability within the organisation. By setting clear objectives and measuring performance against these objectives, employees are held accountable for their performance. This can motivate employees to improve their performance and contribute to the overall success of the business.

Improved Decision Making

One of the key benefits of CPM is improved decision making. By providing accurate and timely information about business performance, CPM enables businesses to make informed decisions. Businesses can use this information to identify trends, predict future performance, and make strategic decisions to drive growth and profitability.

For instance, if a business notices a decline in sales, it can use CPM to identify the cause of the decline and take corrective action. This could involve adjusting pricing strategies, improving product quality, or enhancing customer service.

Increased Efficiency

CPM can also increase efficiency within the organisation. By automating the process of collecting, analysing, and reporting performance data, businesses can save time and resources. This can free up resources for other important activities, such as product development and customer service.

Furthermore, by identifying areas of improvement, businesses can make necessary adjustments to improve efficiency. This could involve streamlining processes, eliminating waste, or investing in technology to automate tasks.

Implementing Corporate Performance Management in Small Businesses

Implementing CPM in a small business involves several steps. The first step is to define the business's strategic objectives. These objectives should be clear, measurable, and aligned with the overall mission and vision of the business.

Next, the business should identify the KPIs that will be used to measure performance. These KPIs should be relevant to the business's objectives and should provide a clear indication of performance. The business should also establish a process for collecting, analysing, and reporting performance data.

Choosing the Right CPM Tools

Choosing the right CPM tools is a crucial step in implementing CPM. There are numerous CPM tools available in the market, each with its own features and capabilities. Businesses should choose a tool that meets their specific needs and budget.

When choosing a CPM tool, businesses should consider factors such as ease of use, integration capabilities, and customer support. The tool should be easy to use, even for non-technical users, and should be able to integrate with other business systems. Additionally, the vendor should provide reliable customer support to assist with any issues that may arise.

Training and Support

Training and support are also important aspects of implementing CPM. Businesses should provide training to employees to ensure they understand how to use the CPM tools and interpret the performance data. This can involve conducting training sessions, providing user manuals, or offering online tutorials.

Furthermore, businesses should provide ongoing support to employees to assist with any issues that may arise. This can involve providing a helpdesk, offering technical support, or providing regular updates and improvements to the CPM tools.

Challenges of Corporate Performance Management

While CPM offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges. One of the main challenges is the complexity of implementing CPM. This involves defining strategic objectives, identifying KPIs, collecting and analysing performance data, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.

Another challenge is the resistance to change. Implementing CPM involves changing the way the business operates, which can be met with resistance from employees. Businesses need to manage this resistance effectively to ensure the successful implementation of CPM.

Data Quality and Integrity

Data quality and integrity are critical to the success of CPM. Businesses need to ensure that the performance data they collect is accurate, reliable, and complete. Any inaccuracies in the data can lead to incorrect analysis and decision making, which can negatively impact business performance.

Businesses can ensure data quality and integrity by implementing data governance practices. This involves establishing policies and procedures for data collection, storage, and analysis. It also involves regularly auditing the data to identify and correct any inaccuracies.

Change Management

Change management is another challenge of implementing CPM. As mentioned earlier, implementing CPM involves changing the way the business operates. This can be met with resistance from employees, who may be comfortable with the current way of doing things.

Businesses can manage this resistance by communicating the benefits of CPM to employees and involving them in the implementation process. They can also provide training and support to help employees adapt to the new way of doing things.


Corporate Performance Management is a strategic approach that enables businesses to monitor, manage, and enhance their performance. It involves aligning resources with strategic objectives, measuring performance against these objectives, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.

While CPM presents several challenges, including the complexity of implementation and resistance to change, it offers numerous benefits. These include improved decision making, increased efficiency, and enhanced accountability. With the right tools, training, and support, small businesses can successfully implement CPM and reap its benefits.

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