Small Business Glossary

Cost Volume Profit Analysis - definition & overview


What is Cost Volume Profit Analysis?

Cost Volume Profit Analysis, model analysing how revenue, variable costs, fixed costs and profits change as production output changes.

Cost Volume Profit Analysis, often abbreviated as CVP, is a vital financial analysis tool utilised by small businesses and large corporations alike. It is a method that aids in understanding the relationship between cost, volume, and profit in an operational context. This analysis is fundamental in making informed business decisions, planning future operations, and evaluating the financial implications of various strategic choices.

At its core, CVP analysis provides a detailed overview of the break-even point for different sales volumes and cost structures, which can be instrumental in setting prices for products and services, determining optimal operational levels, and achieving profitability goals. It's a powerful tool that can inspire business owners to take control of their financial destiny and steer their business towards success.

Concept of Cost Volume Profit Analysis

The concept of Cost Volume Profit Analysis is rooted in the interplay between three crucial business factors: cost, volume, and profit. It is a method that helps to determine how changes in costs and volume affect a company's operating income and net income. By understanding this relationship, businesses can make strategic decisions to maximise profitability.

Cost Volume Profit Analysis is based on several assumptions for it to be effective. These include the assumption that the sales price, fixed costs, and variable cost per unit are constant. Understanding these assumptions is crucial as they form the basis of the CVP analysis and influence the accuracy of the results.

Fixed and Variable Costs

Fixed costs are costs that do not change with the level of output. These costs are incurred regardless of whether the business is in operation or not. Examples of fixed costs include rent, salaries, and insurance. On the other hand, variable costs are costs that change directly with the level of output. These costs increase as production increases and decrease as production decreases. Examples of variable costs include raw materials, direct labour, and utility costs directly associated with production.

Understanding the difference between fixed and variable costs is vital in CVP analysis as it helps in calculating the break-even point and in making strategic decisions regarding pricing and production levels.

Contribution Margin

The contribution margin is a key concept in CVP analysis. It is the difference between total sales and total variable costs. The contribution margin represents the portion of sales revenue that is not consumed by variable costs and so contributes to the coverage of fixed costs. Once fixed costs are covered, the contribution margin then becomes profit.

The contribution margin can be calculated on a per unit basis or as a ratio. The contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin expressed as a percentage of total sales. It represents the percentage of each sales dollar that is available to cover fixed costs and contribute to profit.

Importance of Cost Volume Profit Analysis

Cost Volume Profit Analysis is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into the financial operations of a business. It can help businesses understand how changes in costs and sales volume affect profitability, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions.

CVP analysis can be used to calculate the break-even point, which is the point at which total revenue equals total costs. Knowing the break-even point can help businesses set sales targets and pricing strategies. It can also be used to evaluate the impact of different strategic decisions on profitability, such as changes in pricing, marketing strategies, or production methods.

Decision Making

One of the primary uses of CVP analysis is in decision making. By understanding the relationship between cost, volume, and profit, businesses can make strategic decisions to maximise profitability. For example, a business can use CVP analysis to determine the optimal level of production that will maximise profit, or to decide whether to increase or decrease prices.

CVP analysis can also be used to evaluate the financial implications of various strategic choices. For instance, a business can use CVP analysis to evaluate the impact of a proposed marketing campaign on profitability, or to assess the financial feasibility of launching a new product line.

Planning and Control

CVP analysis is also an essential tool for planning and control. It can be used to develop budgets and financial forecasts, which can then be used to monitor and control business operations. By comparing actual results with the forecasts, businesses can identify variances and take corrective action as necessary.

Furthermore, CVP analysis can be used to evaluate the performance of different business segments. By comparing the profitability of different segments, businesses can identify underperforming segments and take corrective action, or identify high-performing segments and invest more resources in them.

Limitations of Cost Volume Profit Analysis

While Cost Volume Profit Analysis is a powerful tool, it is not without its limitations. One of the main limitations of CVP analysis is that it is based on several assumptions. These assumptions may not always hold true, which can affect the accuracy of the CVP analysis.

Another limitation of CVP analysis is that it assumes that all costs can be categorised as either fixed or variable. However, in reality, some costs may be semi-variable or semi-fixed. These costs can be difficult to categorise and can complicate the CVP analysis.


CVP analysis is based on several assumptions. These include the assumption that the sales price, fixed costs, and variable cost per unit are constant. However, in reality, these factors can change due to various factors such as changes in market conditions, changes in production methods, or changes in business strategy.

Another assumption of CVP analysis is that all units produced are sold. However, in reality, there may be unsold inventory, which can affect the accuracy of the CVP analysis. Furthermore, CVP analysis assumes that there is a linear relationship between volume and costs. However, in reality, this relationship may not always be linear due to factors such as economies of scale or changes in efficiency.

Semi-variable and Semi-fixed Costs

Another limitation of CVP analysis is that it assumes that all costs can be categorised as either fixed or variable. However, in reality, some costs may be semi-variable or semi-fixed. Semi-variable costs are costs that have both a fixed and a variable component. For example, a utility bill may have a fixed component that is incurred regardless of the level of output, and a variable component that changes with the level of output.

Semi-fixed costs are costs that remain fixed for a certain level of output, but change when output exceeds or falls below that level. For example, a business may need to hire additional staff or purchase additional equipment if output exceeds a certain level. These costs can be difficult to categorise and can complicate the CVP analysis.


Cost Volume Profit Analysis is a powerful financial analysis tool that can provide valuable insights into the financial operations of a business. It can help businesses understand the relationship between cost, volume, and profit, and make informed decisions to maximise profitability.

While CVP analysis has its limitations, it is still a valuable tool that can be used in conjunction with other financial analysis tools to provide a comprehensive overview of a business's financial situation. By understanding the concepts and techniques of CVP analysis, businesses can take control of their financial destiny and steer their business towards success.

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