Small Business Glossary

Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio - definition & overview


Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio is a financial ratio measuring the ability to cover fixed financing expenses. Calculated by dividing EBIT by interest + rent + tax expenses.

The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (FCCR) is a financial metric that is used to measure a company's ability to cover its fixed charges, such as interest and lease expenses, with its income before interest and taxes. This ratio is particularly important for small businesses, as it provides an indication of the company's financial health and its ability to meet its financial obligations. A high FCCR indicates that the company has a strong financial position, while a low FCCR suggests that the company may struggle to meet its fixed charges.

For small businesses, understanding and managing the FCCR is crucial. It can help business owners make informed decisions about their operations and financial management, and it can also be a key factor in securing financing or investment. In this article, we will delve into the details of the FCCR, exploring its calculation, interpretation, and implications for small businesses.

Understanding the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio

The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio is a measure of a company's solvency, or its ability to meet its long-term financial obligations. It is calculated by dividing the company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by the sum of its fixed charges before tax. Fixed charges can include interest expenses, lease payments, and other recurring costs that the company must pay regardless of its level of business activity.

The FCCR is a type of coverage ratio, which is a class of financial ratios that are used to measure a company's ability to meet specific types of expenses. Other types of coverage ratios include the interest coverage ratio, which measures a company's ability to meet its interest expenses, and the debt service coverage ratio, which measures a company's ability to meet its debt repayments.

Calculation of the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio

The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio is calculated using the following formula:

FCCR = (EBIT + Lease Expenses) / (Interest Expenses + Lease Expenses)

In this formula, EBIT refers to the company's earnings before interest and taxes, which is a measure of the company's operating performance. Lease expenses refer to the payments that the company must make under its lease agreements, and interest expenses refer to the interest that the company must pay on its debt.

Interpretation of the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio

The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio provides an indication of a company's financial health. A high FCCR indicates that the company has a strong financial position and is able to meet its fixed charges with its operating income. On the other hand, a low FCCR suggests that the company may struggle to meet its fixed charges, which could lead to financial difficulties.

It's important to note that the FCCR is just one of many financial metrics that should be considered when assessing a company's financial health. Other important metrics include the company's profitability, liquidity, and leverage ratios.

Implications of the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio for Small Businesses

The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio has several important implications for small businesses. Firstly, it can help business owners understand their company's financial health and make informed decisions about their operations and financial management. For example, if the FCCR is low, the business owner may need to take steps to increase the company's income or reduce its fixed charges.

Secondly, the FCCR can be a key factor in securing financing or investment. Lenders and investors often look at the FCCR when assessing a company's creditworthiness or investment potential. A high FCCR can indicate that the company is a good credit or investment risk, while a low FCCR can suggest that the company may struggle to meet its financial obligations.

Managing the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio

There are several strategies that small businesses can use to manage their Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio. One strategy is to increase the company's income, which can be achieved through strategies such as increasing sales, raising prices, or improving operational efficiency.

Another strategy is to reduce the company's fixed charges. This can be achieved by renegotiating lease agreements, refinancing debt to secure a lower interest rate, or reducing other recurring costs.

Using the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio to Secure Financing

When applying for financing or investment, small businesses can use their Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio to demonstrate their financial health and creditworthiness. A high FCCR can indicate that the company is a good credit or investment risk, which can increase the likelihood of securing financing or investment.

It's important for small businesses to understand how to calculate and interpret their FCCR, and to take steps to manage it effectively. By doing so, they can improve their financial health and increase their chances of securing the financing or investment they need to grow and succeed.


The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio is a crucial financial metric for small businesses. It provides an indication of the company's ability to meet its fixed charges with its operating income, and it can be a key factor in securing financing or investment. By understanding and managing their FCCR, small businesses can improve their financial health and increase their chances of success.

Remember, the FCCR is just one of many financial metrics that should be considered when assessing a company's financial health. It's important for small businesses to take a holistic approach to financial management, considering all relevant metrics and taking steps to improve their overall financial performance.

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