Small Business Glossary

Net Operating Income NOI - definition & overview


What is net operating income or NOI?

Net Operating Income NOI, revenue less operating expenses before taxes and interest. Indicates income-generating ability from core operations.

Net Operating Income (NOI) is a fundamental financial metric that is used by businesses, particularly small businesses, to assess their operational profitability. It is a measure of the income generated from a company's core operations, excluding any costs or income from financing and taxes. In essence, NOI is the profit a business makes from its primary operations, before interest and taxes are deducted.

For small businesses, understanding and effectively managing NOI is crucial. It provides a clear picture of the company's operational efficiency and profitability, which are key indicators of its financial health. A positive NOI indicates that the business is generating enough revenue to cover its operational expenses, while a negative NOI suggests that the business is not making enough money from its core operations to cover these costs.

Calculating Net Operating Income

To calculate NOI, you subtract the total operating expenses of a business from its total operating revenue. Operating revenue refers to the income generated from a company's primary business activities. For a retail business, for example, this would be the revenue from selling goods. Operating expenses, on the other hand, are the costs incurred in the process of generating this revenue. These can include costs such as rent, salaries, utilities, and depreciation.

It's important to note that only operating expenses are deducted when calculating NOI. Non-operating expenses, such as interest payments and taxes, are not included in this calculation. This is because NOI is meant to measure the profitability of a business's core operations, independent of its financial structure and tax situation.

Example of NOI Calculation

Let's consider a small retail business in Australia. Suppose this business has an operating revenue of $500,000 and operating expenses of $300,000. The NOI of this business would be calculated as follows:

NOI = Operating Revenue - Operating Expenses = $500,000 - $300,000 = $200,000. This means that the business has made a net operating income of $200,000 from its core operations.

Importance of NOI for Small Businesses

NOI is a critical metric for small businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a clear and straightforward measure of a business's operational profitability. By comparing the NOI over different periods, a business can track its performance and identify any trends or issues that need to be addressed.

Secondly, NOI can be used to assess the efficiency of a business. A high NOI relative to revenue suggests that a business is efficiently converting its revenue into profit, while a low NOI may indicate inefficiencies in the business's operations.

NOI and Business Decisions

NOI can also inform business decisions. For example, if a business's NOI is consistently low or negative, it may need to consider ways to increase its revenue or reduce its operating expenses. This could involve strategies such as increasing prices, improving operational efficiency, or reducing unnecessary costs.

On the other hand, a consistently high NOI could indicate that a business has room to invest in growth opportunities, such as expanding its operations or entering new markets.

NOI in Business Valuation

NOI is also a key factor in business valuation. When valuing a business, investors and lenders often look at the NOI to assess the business's ability to generate profit from its operations. A high NOI can make a business more attractive to investors and lenders, as it suggests that the business is profitable and financially stable.

Furthermore, NOI is used in the calculation of several other important financial metrics, such as the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) and the capitalization rate (cap rate), which are commonly used in business and real estate valuation.


The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) is a measure of a business's ability to service its debt. It is calculated by dividing the NOI by the total debt service, which is the sum of all interest and principal payments on a business's debt. A high DSCR indicates that a business has sufficient income to cover its debt payments, which can make it more attractive to lenders.

For example, if a business has a NOI of $200,000 and a total debt service of $100,000, its DSCR would be 2.0. This means that the business has twice the income it needs to cover its debt payments.

NOI and Cap Rate

The capitalization rate (cap rate) is a measure of the potential return on an investment in a business or property. It is calculated by dividing the NOI by the purchase price of the business or property. A high cap rate suggests a higher potential return, which can make an investment more attractive.

For example, if a business has a NOI of $200,000 and is being sold for $1,000,000, its cap rate would be 20%. This means that an investor could potentially earn a 20% return on their investment, assuming the NOI remains constant.

Limitations of NOI

While NOI is a useful metric for assessing a business's operational profitability and efficiency, it has some limitations. Firstly, because it excludes interest and taxes, it does not provide a complete picture of a business's overall profitability. A business with a high NOI may still be unprofitable if it has high interest payments or tax liabilities.

Secondly, NOI does not account for capital expenditures, which are significant investments in long-term assets that can have a major impact on a business's profitability. A business may have a high NOI but still be in a poor financial position if it has high capital expenditures.

NOI and Interest Payments

As mentioned earlier, NOI does not include interest payments. This means that it does not reflect the cost of debt financing, which can be a significant expense for many businesses. A business with a high NOI but high interest payments may not be as profitable as it appears.

For example, consider a business with a NOI of $200,000 and interest payments of $150,000. While the business has a high NOI, its net income after interest payments would be only $50,000. This is a much less rosy picture of the business's profitability than the NOI alone would suggest.

NOI and Capital Expenditures

NOI also does not account for capital expenditures. These are large, often one-time investments in long-term assets, such as equipment or property. While these expenditures can be necessary for a business's growth and success, they can also significantly reduce its profitability in the short term.

For example, consider a business with a NOI of $200,000 and capital expenditures of $150,000. While the business has a high NOI, its net income after capital expenditures would be only $50,000. This is a much less optimistic picture of the business's profitability than the NOI alone would suggest.


In conclusion, Net Operating Income (NOI) is a key financial metric that provides valuable insights into a business's operational profitability and efficiency. It is particularly important for small businesses, as it can inform business decisions, contribute to business valuation, and help track performance over time.

However, like all financial metrics, NOI has its limitations. It does not provide a complete picture of a business's overall profitability, as it excludes interest payments, taxes, and capital expenditures. Therefore, while NOI is a useful tool for assessing a business's financial health, it should be used in conjunction with other financial metrics for a more comprehensive analysis.

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