Small Business Glossary

Return On Assets or ROA - definition & overview


Return On Assets is the financial metric calculated by dividing net income by average total assets. Indicates how efficiently assets generate profits.

The Return on Assets (ROA) is a financial metric that is widely used to measure the profitability of a business in relation to its total assets. This ratio indicates how well a company is performing by comparing the profit (net income) it's making to its total assets. It gives investors and other stakeholders a clear idea of how effectively the company is converting the money it has invested in assets into net income.

The ROA is particularly useful for comparing the performance of companies in the same industry, as different industries use assets differently. For a company in the manufacturing sector, for example, ROA would give a good picture of performance, while for a service-based business, the metric may not be as useful. It's also a reliable indicator of efficiency, as a higher ROA shows that the company is earning more money on less investment.

Calculating ROA

The formula for calculating ROA is relatively straightforward. It's the company's Net Income divided by its Total Assets. Net Income is derived from the income statement, and Total Assets is derived from the balance sheet. The result is expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the better the company is thought to be at converting its investment in assets into profits.

However, it's important to note that because ROA is a ratio, it will be affected by changes in either net income or total assets. For example, if a company's net income increases while its total assets stay the same, its ROA will increase. Conversely, if its total assets increase while its net income stays the same, its ROA will decrease.

Interpreting ROA

As with any financial metric, ROA should not be viewed in isolation but should be compared with previous ROA numbers from the same company and the ROA of other companies in the same industry. For example, if a company's ROA is increasing over time, it's a good sign that it's becoming more efficient at using its assets to generate profit.

On the other hand, a decreasing ROA can indicate that a company is becoming less efficient at using its assets to generate profit. This could be due to a number of factors, such as an increase in waste, inefficiencies, or mismanagement. However, it could also be due to an increase in assets without a corresponding increase in profit.

ROA and Small Businesses

For small businesses, the ROA can be a particularly useful metric. As these businesses often operate with limited resources, being able to measure the efficiency and profitability of their asset use can be critical for survival and growth. A high ROA can indicate a successful and efficient business, while a low ROA may suggest that a business is struggling to effectively use its assets to generate profit.

However, it's important for small businesses to remember that while ROA can provide valuable insights, it's just one metric among many. For a more complete picture of a company's financial health, other metrics such as return on equity (ROE), debt to equity ratio (D/E), and profit margin should also be considered.

Improving ROA

There are several ways that a business can improve its ROA. One of the most direct ways is by increasing net income. This can be achieved by increasing sales revenue, reducing costs, or both. However, businesses must be careful not to pursue profit at the expense of long-term sustainability. For example, cutting costs might increase net income in the short term, but if it leads to a decrease in product quality, it could harm the business in the long term.

Another way to improve ROA is by more effectively managing assets. This could involve reducing inventory levels, selling off unproductive assets, or investing in more productive assets. Again, businesses must be careful to balance the pursuit of higher ROA with the need for sustainable growth.

Limitations of ROA

While ROA is a useful metric, it's not without its limitations. One of the main limitations is that it doesn't take into account the way that a company is financed. For example, a company that has a high level of debt may have a high ROA because the debt is not included in the total assets. This can give a misleading picture of the company's true profitability.

Another limitation is that ROA can be influenced by non-operational factors. For example, changes in accounting rules or tax laws can affect a company's net income and total assets, and therefore its ROA. Therefore, when using ROA to compare companies, it's important to be aware of these factors and to consider them in the analysis.

ROA vs Other Financial Ratios

While ROA is a useful metric for assessing a company's profitability in relation to its total assets, it's not the only financial ratio that investors and stakeholders should consider. Other important ratios include the return on equity (ROE), which measures a company's profitability in relation to its shareholders' equity, and the debt to equity ratio (D/E), which measures a company's financial leverage.

Each of these ratios provides a different perspective on a company's financial health and performance, and they should all be considered together. For example, a high ROA combined with a high ROE and a low D/E could indicate a company that is efficiently using its assets and equity to generate profit, and that has a manageable level of debt.


In conclusion, the Return on Assets (ROA) is a valuable financial metric that can provide insights into a company's efficiency and profitability. However, like any financial metric, it should not be used in isolation. Instead, it should be used in conjunction with other financial ratios and metrics to provide a more complete picture of a company's financial health and performance.

For small businesses, the ROA can be a particularly useful tool for measuring efficiency and profitability. By regularly calculating and tracking their ROA, small businesses can identify areas of strength and weakness, and make informed decisions to improve their performance and profitability.

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