Small Business Glossary

Zero Based Budgeting - definition & overview


What is Zero Based Budgeting and what is it used for?

Zero Based Budgeting is a budgeting approach starting from a "zero base" and requiring justification for all expenditures rather than incrementing previous budgets.

Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) is a revolutionary approach to budgeting that has been adopted by many small businesses across Australia. It is a method that completely disregards any previous budget numbers and starts from a "zero base". Every function within an organisation is analysed for its needs and costs. Budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period, regardless of whether the budget is higher or lower than the previous one.

The concept of Zero Based Budgeting is not new. It was first introduced by Peter A. Pyhrr during the 1970s. However, its adoption in the business world has been relatively recent. This method of budgeting allows for a more disciplined approach to spending and ensures that all expenses are justified, thus making it a popular choice among small businesses.

Concept and Process of Zero Based Budgeting

The fundamental concept behind Zero Based Budgeting is that no costs are assumed to be fixed. Every single expense must be justified and approved. This approach requires a thorough understanding of how a business operates and where its funds are being allocated.

Zero Based Budgeting involves a detailed review of every department's budget within a business. It requires managers to justify every dollar they plan to spend. This process can be time-consuming, but it ensures that every expense is necessary and contributes to the overall goals of the business.

Steps in Zero Based Budgeting

The first step in Zero Based Budgeting is to identify the tasks and projects that need to be undertaken in the upcoming period. These tasks are then ranked in order of priority. The budget is then built to support these tasks.

The next step is to analyse the costs associated with each task. This involves a detailed review of all expenses to ensure that they are necessary and contribute to the achievement of the task. Any unnecessary expenses are eliminated.

Advantages of Zero Based Budgeting

Zero Based Budgeting offers several advantages. Firstly, it encourages a disciplined approach to spending. By requiring every expense to be justified, it ensures that funds are only spent on necessary and beneficial items.

Secondly, Zero Based Budgeting promotes transparency and accountability. It requires managers to provide a detailed account of their spending, which can help to prevent wastage and fraud.

Zero Based Budgeting in Small Businesses

Small businesses in Australia have been particularly receptive to Zero Based Budgeting. This is because small businesses often operate on tight budgets and need to make every dollar count. Zero Based Budgeting allows them to do this by ensuring that every expense is necessary and contributes to their goals.

Furthermore, Zero Based Budgeting can be particularly beneficial for small businesses that are experiencing financial difficulties. By forcing managers to justify every expense, it can help to identify areas where costs can be cut without impacting the quality of goods or services.

Implementation Challenges

While Zero Based Budgeting offers many benefits, it can also present several challenges. The process of reviewing and justifying every expense can be time-consuming and may require a significant amount of resources. This can be a particular challenge for small businesses that may not have the necessary resources or expertise.

Furthermore, Zero Based Budgeting requires a change in mindset. It requires managers to move away from the traditional approach of basing budgets on previous spending and instead focus on justifying every expense. This can be a difficult transition for some managers.

Overcoming Implementation Challenges

Despite these challenges, there are ways to successfully implement Zero Based Budgeting in a small business. Firstly, it is important to provide training and support to managers. This can help them to understand the process and the benefits it can bring.

Secondly, it may be beneficial to implement Zero Based Budgeting gradually. This can help to ease the transition and allow managers to become comfortable with the process. Finally, it is important to regularly review and adjust the budget to ensure that it continues to support the goals of the business.


Zero Based Budgeting is a powerful tool that can help small businesses to manage their finances more effectively. It encourages a disciplined approach to spending and promotes transparency and accountability. While it can present some challenges, with the right support and approach, it can be successfully implemented and bring significant benefits.

As a small business owner in Australia, adopting Zero Based Budgeting can be a game-changer. It can help you to make the most of your resources, identify unnecessary expenses, and ensure that every dollar you spend contributes to the success of your business. So, take the leap and start your journey towards more effective budgeting today.

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