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Jo Washington-King

Project 1 Finance

Meet Jo, based in Canberra, who works for Project 1 Finance and is a star at helping individuals get great deals. She is also passionate about training horses and dogs; a very talented and busy woman!

Hey Jo! When was Project 1 Finance born?
"Project 1 Finance has been operating for 15 years, and I joined as a sub contractor in 2021."

How did Project 1 Finance come to life?
"My friend owns the business, and we met through our horses and she discussed how busy she was. I wanted a way to make some more money on my own terms and also help others get a better deal with their finance. So, I decided to start my own business and join my friend in providing better finance deals to small and large businesses and personal customers."

What's your favourite thing about what you do?
"That I can beat a lot of the other financiers interest rates and also that I can help people all over Australia and not just in the ACT."

What's your superpower?
"I can really understand a persons situation, empathise with what they may be going through and provide a financial solution that helps them achieve their goals. Plus training dogs and horses. I am pretty good at that!"

What's next for Project 1 Finance?
"I want to try and expand by helping out more small businesses with finance, as they are often overlooked."

What do you love about Thriday?
"I love how I can save time because it's my banking and bookkeeping system. It's so simple!"

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