R U OK - How Your Small Business Can Make an Impact

August 28, 2024
minutes to read
Jaala Alex
Table of Contents

In today's fast-paced world, where everyone seems to be constantly busy, it's easy to overlook the well-being of those around us. That's where R U OK Day comes in—a meaningful initiative that encourages us to connect with others, ask the question "R U OK?" and genuinely listen to their response. As a small business owner or employee, you have a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on this important day. In this blog, we'll delve into what R U OK Day is, its origins, how to ask R U OK and various ways your small business can support and get involved.

What is R U OK Day?

R U OK Day is an Australian national day of action dedicated to inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with others and ask the simple question, "R U OK?" The goal is to promote mental health awareness, encourage open conversations about mental well-being, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

When Did R U OK Day Start?

The journey of R U OK Day began in 2009 when Gavin Larkin, inspired by his father's suicide, decided to take action. He wanted to prevent others from experiencing the same heartache by encouraging conversations around mental health. Gavin believed that a simple question like "Are you OK?" could have a profound impact, and he was right. Since its inception, R U OK Day has gained significant momentum, becoming a crucial part of the mental health awareness landscape.

How to Ask R U OK?

One of the most fundamental aspects of R U OK Day is learning how to ask this important question. While it might seem simple, asking "R U OK?" effectively involves genuine care, empathy, and active listening. Here's how you can approach it:

  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Find a quiet and private space to have an uninterrupted conversation. Timing is crucial, so choose a moment when you can be fully present.
  • Be Genuine and Empathetic: When you ask, "R U OK?" mean it. Show empathy and concern in your voice and body language. Your sincerity will make a world of difference. 
  • Listen Actively: Give the person your full attention after asking the question. Allow them to express themselves without interruption. Sometimes, just having someone to listen can be immensely comforting. 
  • Encourage Openness: Let the person know it's okay to talk about their feelings and struggles. Avoid judgment and criticism. Offer support and understanding instead. 
  • Respect Their Decision: Not everyone may be ready to open up immediately. If they choose not to share, respect their decision, but let them know you're there whenever they're ready. 

Remember that asking, "Are you OK?" is not about having all the answers or being a therapist. It's about showing that you care and are willing to support someone in their time of need.

How to Support R U OK Day

Now that you understand the importance of R U OK Day and how to ask the question, let's explore how your small business can actively support this initiative: 

  1. Promote Awareness: Use your business's social media platforms, website, and physical space to promote R U OK Day. Share informative posts, graphics, and stories to raise awareness about the event and its purpose. 
  2. Start Conversations: Encourage your employees and customers to discuss mental health. Provide resources and information to facilitate discussions within your community. 
  3. Host an R U OK Event: Consider organising an event at your workplace or within your community to mark R U OK Day. It could be a morning tea, a mental health workshop, or a panel discussion. Ensure it aligns with the day's message and provides a safe space for conversations. 
  4. Fundraising for Mental Health: Launch a fundraising campaign within your business. It could involve donating a portion of your daily profits to a mental health charity or organising a charity auction. Engage your customers and employees in the fundraising effort. 
  5. Donate to Mental Health Organisations: If your business can do so, consider directly donating to a reputable mental health organisation. Research and choose an organisation that aligns with your values and mission.
  6. Educate Your Team: Invest in your employees' mental health training and awareness programs. Equip them with the knowledge and skills to support colleagues and customers who may be struggling. 

How to Host an Event

Hosting an event for R U OK Day can be a powerful way to engage your small business and community. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: 

  • Set Clear Goals: Determine the objectives of your event. Is it to raise awareness, promote open conversations, or fundraise for mental health? Having clear goals will guide your planning. 
  • Choose the Type of Event: Decide on the format of your event. It could be a breakfast gathering, a workshop, a panel discussion, a charity run, or something unique to your business. 
  • Plan Logistics: Consider your event's location, date, and time. Ensure it's convenient for your target audience. Secure any necessary permits or permissions. 
  • Promote Your Event: Use various marketing channels to promote your event, including social media, email newsletters, and flyers in your physical location. Collaborate with local media if possible. 
  • Create a Safe Space: Design your event to be inclusive, safe, and welcoming. Provide resources, brochures, or information about mental health services. 
  • Engage Speakers or Facilitators: If applicable, invite guest speakers or facilitators with expertise in mental health to provide valuable insights and facilitate discussions. 
  • Encourage Participation: Plan activities that encourage attendees to engage in meaningful conversations. You could use icebreakers, discussion topics, or interactive exercises. 
  • Collect Feedback: After the event, gather feedback from participants to understand what went well and where improvements can be made. Use this feedback to enhance future initiatives. 

How to Fundraise

Fundraising for R U OK Day is a fantastic way to support mental health initiatives. Here's a guide to help you kickstart your fundraising efforts: 

  • Set Fundraising Goals: Determine how much money you want to raise and what specific projects or organisations you'll support with the funds. 
  • Choose Your Fundraising Method: There are numerous ways to raise funds, such as donation drives, charity auctions, selling merchandise, or organising a charity run. Pick a method that aligns with your business and target audience.
  • Leverage Your Network: Reach out to your customers, employees, and suppliers to get involved in your fundraising efforts. Encourage them to contribute or participate in your events.
  • Promote Your Fundraiser: Utilise your business's online and offline platforms to promote your fundraising campaign. Create compelling content that explains the cause and the impact of contributions. 
  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering incentives to donors or participants, such as discounts, exclusive products, or recognition for their support. 
  • Track and Communicate Progress: Keep your audience informed about your fundraiser's progress. Share updates on how much you've raised and how it's making a difference.
  • Express Gratitude: Show appreciation to everyone who contributes to your fundraiser. A simple thank-you can go a long way in building goodwill.

How to Donate

If your small business is in a position to make a direct donation to support mental health initiatives, here are the steps to follow: 

  • Research and Select a Charity: Identify reputable mental health organisations that align with your business values and goals. Research their mission, impact, and financial transparency. 
  • Determine the Amount: Decide on the amount you'd like to donate. Consider your budget and your donation's impact on the chosen organisation. 
  • Contact the Charity: Reach out to the selected charity to inquire about their donation process. They may have specific instructions for businesses or corporate donors. 
  • Complete the Donation: Follow the charity's guidelines for making your donation. This may involve filling out forms, creating a bank transfer, or donating through an online platform.
  • Keep Records: Maintain records of your donation for tax purposes.


To conclude, let's address some frequently asked questions about R U OK Day: 

Is R U OK Day only for Australians?

While R U OK Day originated in Australia, its message is universal. Anyone, anywhere, can participate in and support this initiative. 

Can individuals participate in R U OK Day, or is it primarily for businesses?

R U OK Day is for everyone. Individuals, small businesses, large corporations, schools, and community groups can all play a vital role in raising awareness and supporting mental health. 

Do I need a mental health background to ask, "R U OK?"

No, you don't need a mental health background. Asking "R U OK?" is about showing care and compassion. It's a conversation starter, and you can encourage the person to seek professional help if needed.

How can I ensure the privacy and confidentiality of someone who opens up to me on R U OK Day?

Please respect their privacy by not sharing their personal information without their consent. Please encourage them to contact mental health professionals or helplines for further support.

What if someone responds negatively when I ask, "R U OK?"

Be prepared for a range of responses, including a negative one. Express your concern, offer support, and encourage them to talk to someone they trust or seek professional help. 

Key Takeaways

R U OK Day is a powerful reminder that small actions can make a big difference in someone's life. By asking, supporting, hosting events, fundraising, and donating your small business can play a vital role in promoting mental health awareness and well-being. Let's work together to create a world where asking "R U OK?" is not just a question but a lifeline.

Remember, you can impact R U OK Day, and the benefits extend far beyond a single day of action. It's about fostering a culture of care and compassion that lasts throughout the year. 

So, on R U OK Day and every day, ask the question, listen with an open heart, and make a positive difference in someone's life. Because you never know how your simple act of kindness might change the course of their day, week, or life. 

Join us in spreading the message of R U OK and participating in the change we wish to see. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on mental health awareness and well-being.

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