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What’s your business credit score?

If it’s bad Thriday can help you improve it with better financial management systems, if it’s good, Thriday can help you maintain it!


Is your business credit score secretly holding you back from success?

You may not even know you have a poor score. You could be paying more than you have to for loans and insurance, and your trust profile could be impacting sales and revenue

Your business credit score can affect:

Your interest rate on business finance

The higher your risk profile, the less lenders want to lend to you; therefore, the higher the interest rate they’ll charge.

How much you pay for business insurance

No one wants to pay more for insurance than they have to. With a bad credit score, your insurer could see you as a higher risk.

How legitimate you appear to suppliers

Your clients can access this same data to determine if it’s worth the risk of doing business with you. A poor score means less business.

How trustworthy you appear to clients

A bad score might not mean you’re untrustworthy, but it sure can look that way from a potential client's perspective.


Thriday makes it easy to track your business credit score for free

Thriday reveals your score and offers insights and tools to improve it. Plus, with features like automated bill payments and tax lodgment, Thriday can help you maintain a healthy score with better financial management systems.


Keep your score healthy with Thriday

Automation, built-in forecasting and real-time reporting in Thriday gives you everything you need to maintain a healthy score and a healthy business

Automated bill payments

Late payments can impact your score. With bill manager, you can simply snap a shot of your bills as they come in to automatically schedule them for payment on the due date.

Automate your bill payments

Automatic tax calculation

A surprise tax bill can lead to any number of issues that impact your score. Thriday can calculate your tax as your money comes in and out so you always know how much to set aside.

Automate your tax calculation

Automated budgeting

As revenue comes in, you can create rules to automate the distribution of money between any number of accounts. Putting your budget on autopilot can help you maintain a good score.

Automate your budget

Cash flow management

See how your business is performing every time you log into Thriday. Seeing dips in income or recognising increases in expenses can help you identify issues before they become big problems.

Manage your cash flow

Here’s what our customers have to say

Desmond John
Wouldn't go with any other product!
Wouldn't go with any other product!
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July 24, 2024
David B
Being brand new to Thriday I hope I am not speaking prematurely here, I can but say it as I have found it to be so far. I came looking for an alternative to another similar system I am using that has left me locked out of my account for 5 days now because of a phone dying and the Authenticator going with it. Why am I left locked out, because they don't have any support spots until NEXT MONTH to sort it out grrrrrr. I made a call to find out what Thriday was all about and not only did I get to speak to a real person in real time, but she took the time to actually listen, consider and then give a straight shooting answer to my questions, no pre programmed spiel, just simple and concise answers. I had plenty of questions and 45 minutes of asking them was met with zero attempts to get rid of me. To say I was blown away is an under statement. I have subsequently signed up for an account and the process really is ridiculously easy, the interface is simple, yet it seems to offer plenty of analytics from what I can see and everything I have wanted to do it has been easy to find the appropriate section to do it in. Come on July 1 so I can bring this on live with my business, it is going to seem a long wait as I now can't wait to wave goodbye to those who had the polar opposite care factor toward one of their actual existing customers!
Being brand new to Thriday I hope I am not speaking prematurely here, I can but say it as I have found it to be so far. I came looking for an alternative to another similar system I am using that has left me locked out of my account for 5 days now because of a phone dying and the Authenticator going with it. Why am I left locked out, because they don't have any support spots until NEXT MONTH to sort it out grrrrrr. I made a call to find out what Thriday was all about and not only did I get to speak to a real person in real time, but she took the time to actually listen, consider and then give a straight shooting answer to my questions, no pre programmed spiel, just simple and concise answers. I had plenty of questions and 45 minutes of asking them was met with zero attempts to get rid of me. To say I was blown away is an under statement. I have subsequently signed up for an account and the process really is ridiculously easy, the interface is simple, yet it seems to offer plenty of analytics from what I can see and everything I have wanted to do it has been easy to find the appropriate section to do it in. Come on July 1 so I can bring this on live with my business, it is going to seem a long wait as I now can't wait to wave goodbye to those who had the polar opposite care factor toward one of their actual existing customers!
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July 23, 2024
Savannah Rangi
Thriday has made being a sole trader so much easier for me, I'm a bit of an organisation freak and I love how easy its made record keeping for me. Cant recommend Thriday enough !
Thriday has made being a sole trader so much easier for me, I'm a bit of an organisation freak and I love how easy its made record keeping for me. Cant recommend Thriday enough !
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July 22, 2024
Small business owner here. Recent tax consulting session offered by Thriday was terrific. This app is my secret to stress free quotes and invoicing.
Small business owner here. Recent tax consulting session offered by Thriday was terrific. This app is my secret to stress free quotes and invoicing.
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July 21, 2024
Wendy Lewis Baida
I love the way Thriday automatically reconciles my invoices to payments - saves me so much time
I love the way Thriday automatically reconciles my invoices to payments - saves me so much time
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July 21, 2024
Carolyn Parker
Easy to use for simple business. Recommended for Sole Traders.Id love more reporting features for my other business. Great for doing profit first method.
Easy to use for simple business. Recommended for Sole Traders.Id love more reporting features for my other business. Great for doing profit first method.
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July 20, 2024
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Don't let a mystery number take away your control

Check your business credit score for free with Thriday today and take control of your business success.


Frequently asked questions

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How can Thriday help improve my credit score?

Thriday provides a system that promotes simpler, better financial management.

Lodge your BAS and tax directly from Thriday on time with no effort

Why should I care about my business credit score?

You may not even know you have a poor score. You could be paying more than you have to for loans and insurance, and your trust profile could be impacting sales and revenue

How is your business credit score calculated?

RiskScore uses three categories of data to assess the risk level of a business:

  • Tradeline behavioural data: CreditorWatch’s 55,000+ customers deliver more than 11 million monthly trade lines from businesses of all sizes and industries. This unique transaction data includes both positive and negative payment behaviour from corporate ATB uploads and SME payment data.
  • Business demographic risk data: This includes geographic risk clusters that capture risk of a certain location and factors such as business maturity, entity type, industry and tax status. Natural language processing is applied to business names to classify high-risk business types.
  • Traditional credit risk drivers, including ATO tax debt d
See all FAQs

Why waste time on financial admin when Thriday can automate it for you?