Small Business Glossary

Lagging Indicator - definition & overview


A Lagging Indicator is a metric reflecting past performance that provides confirmation of results but has limited predictive ability.

In the realm of small businesses, the term 'Lagging Indicator' holds a significant place. It is a measurable economic factor that changes only after the economy has begun to follow a particular pattern or trend. It is often considered a confirmation of a new economic direction, as it changes after the economy as a whole does.

The term 'Lagging Indicator' is a key concept in understanding the performance and future direction of a business. It provides a retrospective view of what has happened within a business or an economy. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of Lagging Indicator, its significance, how it is used, and its impact on small businesses.

Understanding Lagging Indicators

Lagging Indicators are financial signposts that come into view after the fact. They reflect economic changes that have already occurred or are ongoing. These indicators are useful for confirming the patterns suggested by leading indicators, and for gauging the health of an economy or a business.

For small businesses, lagging indicators can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of past business decisions and strategies. By analysing these indicators, businesses can learn from past successes and mistakes, and make informed decisions about the future.

Examples of Lagging Indicators

Common examples of lagging indicators include unemployment, corporate profits, and labour cost per unit of output. These indicators change after the economy has already begun to follow a trend, and therefore, they are useful for confirming the pattern suggested by leading indicators.

For small businesses, examples of lagging indicators might include net profit, customer satisfaction scores, or employee turnover rates. These indicators can help a business understand the impact of past decisions and strategies on its current performance.

Importance of Lagging Indicators

Lagging indicators are crucial for understanding the health of an economy or a business. They provide a clear picture of what has happened in the past, and can therefore help businesses and economists make sense of current conditions.

For small businesses, lagging indicators can provide a valuable tool for learning from the past. By analysing these indicators, businesses can identify what has worked well and what hasn't, and use this information to inform future decisions and strategies.

Using Lagging Indicators

Lagging indicators are typically used to confirm the patterns suggested by leading indicators. They can also be used to gauge the health of an economy or a business, and to inform decision-making.

For small businesses, lagging indicators can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of past decisions and strategies. By analysing these indicators, businesses can learn from past successes and mistakes, and make informed decisions about the future.

Analysing Lagging Indicators

Analysing lagging indicators involves looking at changes in these indicators over time, and comparing these changes to changes in other economic or business indicators. This can help businesses and economists understand the relationships between different aspects of the economy or a business, and how these relationships affect overall performance.

For small businesses, analysing lagging indicators can involve comparing these indicators to leading indicators, to understand the impact of past decisions and strategies on current performance. This can help businesses identify areas of strength and weakness, and inform future decision-making.

Interpreting Lagging Indicators

Interpreting lagging indicators involves understanding what these indicators mean for the health of an economy or a business. This can involve comparing these indicators to historical trends, to understand how current conditions compare to past conditions.

For small businesses, interpreting lagging indicators can involve understanding what these indicators mean for the business's performance. This can involve comparing these indicators to the business's goals and objectives, to understand how well the business is performing relative to its targets.

Impact of Lagging Indicators on Small Businesses

Lagging indicators can have a significant impact on small businesses. They can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of past business decisions and strategies, and can inform future decision-making.

By analysing lagging indicators, small businesses can learn from past successes and mistakes, and make informed decisions about the future. This can help businesses improve their performance, and ultimately, their bottom line.


Lagging indicators can play a key role in the decision-making process of small businesses. By providing a clear picture of past performance, these indicators can help businesses make informed decisions about future strategies and initiatives.

For example, if a business's net profit (a lagging indicator) has been declining over time, this might suggest that the business's current strategies are not effective, and that changes are needed. By analysing this and other lagging indicators, the business can identify areas of weakness and develop strategies to address these areas.

Strategy Development

Lagging indicators can also play a key role in the development of business strategies. By providing insights into the effectiveness of past strategies, these indicators can help businesses develop more effective strategies for the future.

For example, if a business's customer satisfaction scores (a lagging indicator) have been improving over time, this might suggest that the business's customer service strategies are effective. By analysing this and other lagging indicators, the business can identify areas of strength and develop strategies to build on these strengths.

Limitations of Lagging Indicators

While lagging indicators can provide valuable insights, they also have limitations. Because they reflect past performance, they can't predict future performance. They can only provide a snapshot of what has happened in the past.

For small businesses, this means that while lagging indicators can provide valuable insights into past performance, they can't predict future performance. Businesses need to combine these indicators with leading indicators (which can provide insights into future performance) to get a complete picture of their performance.

Reliance on Past Data

One of the main limitations of lagging indicators is that they rely on past data. This means that they can't provide insights into future performance or trends. They can only provide a snapshot of what has happened in the past.

For small businesses, this means that while lagging indicators can provide valuable insights into past performance, they can't provide insights into future performance. To get a complete picture of their performance, businesses need to combine these indicators with leading indicators, which can provide insights into future performance.

Limited Predictive Power

Another limitation of lagging indicators is that they have limited predictive power. Because they reflect past performance, they can't predict future performance. They can only provide a snapshot of what has happened in the past.

For small businesses, this means that while lagging indicators can provide valuable insights into past performance, they can't predict future performance. To get a complete picture of their performance, businesses need to combine these indicators with leading indicators, which can provide insights into future performance.


In conclusion, lagging indicators are a key tool for understanding the performance and future direction of a small business. They provide a retrospective view of what has happened within a business or an economy, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of past decisions and strategies.

While they have limitations, including a reliance on past data and limited predictive power, they can provide a valuable tool for learning from the past and informing future decision-making. By analysing and interpreting these indicators, small businesses can improve their performance and ultimately, their bottom line.

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