Get Ahead of the Competition: How to Find Your Business's Competitive Advantage

May 10, 2024
minutes to read
Warren More
Table of Contents

As a small business owner, you know that competition is fierce in today's market. In a world where you can launch a website in minutes and ship your product to anywhere in the world, to succeed, you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd. That's where having a competitive advantage comes in. A competitive advantage is a unique aspect of your business that gives you an edge in the market. In this blog, we'll explore what a competitive advantage is, highlight examples from different industries, and explain how small business owners can find one for their business.

What is a Competitive Advantage? 

A competitive advantage is a unique quality or characteristic of your business that sets it apart from competitors and makes it more appealing to customers. It can be a variety of things, such as a lower price point, better customer service, higher quality products or services, or a more convenient location. To have a competitive advantage, you must offer something competitors don't or can't provide. 

Identifying your competitive advantage is crucial to the success of your business. It helps you differentiate yourself from competitors and gives customers a reason to choose your business over others. Examples of competitive advantages include: 

  • Offering a unique product or service that competitors don't have 
  • Providing a better customer experience through excellent customer service 
  • Offering more competitive pricing than competitors 
  • Utilising innovative technology or manufacturing processes to create a better product 

Example of Competitive Advantage – The Beach Bar 

The Beach Bar is a trendy restaurant that has gained a competitive advantage due to its prime location on the beach. When the restaurant opened, it secured an exclusive licence to be the only restaurant located on the beachfront. Due to this, it offers a unique dining experience that can't be replicated elsewhere in the area. Its competitors, located further inland, cannot provide the same scenic setting and ambience, making The Beach Bar a highly sought-after destination for locals and tourists. The restaurant's competitive advantage has allowed it to stand out, attract a loyal customer base, and maintain a successful business model. 

How to Find a Competitive Advantage 

Identifying your competitive advantage requires a deep understanding of your business, customers, and competitors. Here are some critical steps to take to find your competitive advantage: 

  1. Conduct a SWOT analysis: A SWOT analysis is a tool that can help you identify your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By understanding these factors, you can identify areas where your business has a competitive advantage and places where you need to improve. 
  2. Identify your unique selling propositions (USPs): USPs are your business's unique qualities or characteristics that set it apart from competitors. By identifying these factors, you can build your marketing and branding around them. 
  3. Identify target audience needs: Understanding the needs and wants of your target audience can help you identify areas where your business can excel. For example, if your target audience values sustainability, you can focus on creating eco-friendly products or using sustainable manufacturing processes. 
  4. Conduct competitor analysis: Benchmarking your competitors can help you identify where they fall short and where your business can excel. By understanding your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, you can create a strategy to outperform them. 

SWOT Analysis


By taking these steps, you can identify your business's competitive advantage and use it to set yourself apart from competitors. In the next section, we'll explore how to know when you have a competitive advantage. 


Example of Competitive Advantage – The Safe-T Helmet 

The Safe-T helmet is a revolutionary new product that provides cyclists unparalleled protection in the event of a crash. With its unique patent for handling the shock of a bike crash, it has gained a significant competitive advantage over other helmets in the market. The Safe-T helmet has been designed with a cutting-edge shock absorption system that can significantly reduce the risk of head injury in the event of an accident. The helmet's innovative technology has been tested and proven highly effective, providing peace of mind to cyclists everywhere. The Safe-T helmet is patented, meaning its competitors can't copy or replicate its unique design. This competitive advantage has enabled it to quickly gain a foothold in the highly competitive bike helmet market. It is rapidly becoming the go-to choice for serious cyclists who value safety. Its unique patent ensures that it will remain a leader in the market for years to come. 


How to Know You Have a Competitive Advantage 

Once you've identified your competitive advantage, it's important to ensure it works to set your business apart from competitors. Here are some ways to know if you have a competitive advantage: 

  • Your business is growing: If it is experiencing steady growth, it could be a sign that your competitive advantage is working. Customers are choosing your company over competitors, and word-of-mouth referrals are helping to drive growth. 
  • You have loyal customers: If you have a loyal customer base that continues to choose your business over competitors, it could be a sign that your competitive advantage resonates with your target audience. 
  • You're able to charge higher prices: If you charge higher fees than competitors and customers are willing to pay, it could be a sign that your competitive advantage is perceived as valuable by customers. 
  • Competitors are struggling to keep up: If competitors are struggling to keep up with your business, it could be a sign that your competitive advantage is strong and effective. 


If you're experiencing these signs, your competitive advantage is likely working. However, you should continually monitor and adjust your strategy to ensure that your competitive advantage remains effective. In the next section, we'll explore implementing a plan to leverage your competitive edge. 

Building a loyal customer base is important


How to Implement a Strategy 

Once you've identified your competitive advantage and determined that it's working to set your business apart from competitors, it's crucial to implement a strategy to leverage it. Here are some steps to take: 

  1. Develop a clear business strategy: Your competitive advantage should be a key component of your overall business plan. Ensure that your system aligns with your competitive advantage and that you're taking steps to leverage it fully. 
  2. Focus on marketing and branding: Use your competitive advantage as the basis for your marketing and branding efforts. Ensure that your messaging is clear and consistent and effectively communicates your unique value proposition to your target audience. 
  3. Train your employees: Your employees are a vital part of your business and should be trained to leverage your competitive advantage fully. Ensure that they understand what sets your business apart from competitors and that they can effectively communicate that to customers. 
  4. Continually monitor and adjust: Your competitive advantage may change over time, so it's essential to monitor and adjust your strategy to ensure that you're fully leveraging it. Keep an eye on changes in your target audience, competitors, and industry trends, and adjust your plan accordingly. 

Example of Competitive Advantage – Nike

Nike, the world-renowned sportswear brand, has established a competitive advantage in the market through its strong brand identity and reputation. The Nike "swoosh" logo has become one of the most recognisable symbols in the world, and the company has built a loyal following of customers who trust the quality and reliability of its products. Nike has also invested heavily in marketing and advertising, creating a powerful emotional connection with its customers beyond just selling athletic shoes and apparel. As a result, Nike can command higher prices for its products, as customers are willing to pay a premium for the perceived value and prestige that comes with owning a Nike-branded item. This competitive advantage has allowed Nike to maintain its position as a market leader in the highly competitive sportswear industry, and its brand continues to be one of the most valuable assets in the world.


By taking these steps, you can develop a strategy that effectively leverages your competitive advantage and sets your business apart from competitors. In the next section, we'll explore how to identify the competitive advantage of your competitors. 


How to Identify the Competitive Advantage of Your Competitors 

Understanding the competitive advantage of your competitors can be just as important as understanding your own. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, you can develop strategies to counteract their benefits and differentiate your business from theirs. Here are some ways to determine the competitive advantage of your competitors: 

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis: A SWOT analysis is a valuable tool for identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your competitors. By analysing their products, marketing strategies, pricing, and customer service, you can identify areas where they excel and may be vulnerable. 
  • Research their online presence: Check out their website, social media pages, and online reviews to get a sense of their messaging, customer interactions, and overall reputation. This can give you insights into what differentiates them from competitors and what customers value about their business. 
  • Monitor their pricing: If your competitors can offer lower prices than your business consistently, it could be a sign that their cost structure is a competitive advantage. Keep an eye on their pricing and look for ways to offer better value to your customers. 
  • Ask customers for feedback: Your customers are a valuable source of information about your competitors. Ask them what they like and don't like about your competitors and use that feedback to inform your business strategy. 

By understanding the competitive advantage of your competitors, you can develop strategies to differentiate your business and better serve your customers. The following section will explore how Thriday can give you a competitive advantage in banking, accounting, and tax. 


How Thriday Can Give You a Competitive Advantage

Thriday is a financial management platform that can give your small business a competitive advantage in three key areas: banking, accounting, and tax. Here's how Thriday can help: 

  • Banking: Thriday's online services make managing your business's finances easy. You can quickly and securely open a bank account*, transfer funds, pay bills, and access your account information from anywhere. 
  • Accounting: Thriday's automated accounting software can streamline your financial record-keeping, making it easier to track your expenses, reconcile receipts, manage your budget, and generate financial reports.  
  • Tax: Thriday's tax features can help you comply with tax laws and maximise your deductions. You can easily file your BAS online, view your tax estimate, and receive alerts when tax deadlines are approaching. 

By using Thriday's financial management platform, you can save time and money on your banking, accounting, and tax needs, giving your business a competitive advantage.   

Thriday's all-in-one financial management platform


Competitive Advantage FAQs

What is a competitive advantage?

A competitive advantage is a unique strength or advantage that allows a business to outperform its competitors in the marketplace. It can be a product feature, a marketing strategy, a distribution method, or any other aspect of the business that sets it apart from the competition.

Why is it important to have a competitive advantage?

A competitive advantage is vital because it allows a business to differentiate itself from its competitors, attract and retain customers, and ultimately achieve long-term success and profitability.

How can I identify my business's competitive advantage?

To identify your business's competitive advantage, you must thoroughly analyse your industry, competitors, and target market. You can also examine your company's strengths and weaknesses and assess how they compare to your competitors. You can also conduct market research to identify what your customers value most and use this information to develop unique selling propositions that set your business apart.

Can a competitive advantage change over time?

A business's competitive advantage can change over time as market conditions, customer preferences, and technology evolve. Therefore, it's important to regularly assess and update your competitive advantage to ensure that it remains relevant and practical.

How can I maintain my competitive advantage?

To maintain your competitive advantage, you need to continuously innovate and improve your products, services, and marketing strategies. You should also stay current on industry trends and consumer preferences and adapt your business accordingly. Building solid relationships with customers and suppliers can help you maintain your advantage by fostering loyalty and trust.

Finding and leveraging a competitive advantage is crucial for small business success. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can identify your competitive advantage, implement a strategy to leverage it and stay ahead of your competitors. And by using Thriday's financial management platform, you can take your competitive advantage to the next level and achieve long-term success for your small business. 

DISCLAIMER: Team Thrive Pty Ltd ABN 15 637 676 496 (Thriday) is an authorised representative (No.1297601) of Regional Australia Bank ABN 21 087 650 360 AFSL 241167 (Regional Australia Bank). Regional Australia Bank is the issuer of the transaction account and debit card available through Thriday. Any information provided by Thriday is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether Thriday is appropriate for you. Team Thrive No 2 Pty Ltd ABN 26 677 263 606 (Thriday Accounting) is a Registered Tax Agent (No.26262416).

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