Small Business Glossary

Value Driver Tree - definition & overview


What is Value Driver Tree?

Value Driver Tree is a diagram linking strategic objectives to tangible metrics used to measure their achievement and drive performance. Enables managing by fact.

In the realm of small business, the term 'Value Driver Tree' holds a significant place. It is a tool that provides a systematic approach to analyse the performance of a business and identify areas for improvement. The Value Driver Tree is a visual representation of the business model, highlighting the key drivers of value creation. It is a powerful tool that can help small business owners in Australia and beyond to understand their business better, make informed decisions, and ultimately drive their business towards success.

The Value Driver Tree is not just a tool, but a philosophy that encourages business owners to think deeply about their business, its strengths, its weaknesses, and its potential. It is a tool that promotes a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging business owners to constantly evaluate their business, identify opportunities for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities. It is a tool that empowers business owners to take control of their business and drive it towards success.

Understanding the Value Driver Tree

The Value Driver Tree is a visual representation of the business model, highlighting the key drivers of value creation. It is a tool that provides a systematic approach to analyse the performance of a business and identify areas for improvement. The Value Driver Tree is a powerful tool that can help small business owners in Australia and beyond to understand their business better, make informed decisions, and ultimately drive their business towards success.

The Value Driver Tree is not just a tool, but a philosophy that encourages business owners to think deeply about their business, its strengths, its weaknesses, and its potential. It is a tool that promotes a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging business owners to constantly evaluate their business, identify opportunities for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities. It is a tool that empowers business owners to take control of their business and drive it towards success.

Components of the Value Driver Tree

The Value Driver Tree consists of several components, each representing a key aspect of the business. At the top of the tree is the overall business objective, which could be anything from increasing revenue to improving customer satisfaction. This objective is then broken down into smaller, more manageable components, each representing a key driver of value creation. These components could include things like sales volume, price, cost, and customer satisfaction.

Each component of the Value Driver Tree is linked to the others, showing the relationships between the different aspects of the business. This allows business owners to see how changes in one area of the business can impact others, helping them to make more informed decisions. The Value Driver Tree also includes indicators for each component, providing a way to measure performance and track progress towards the overall business objective.

Benefits of the Value Driver Tree

The Value Driver Tree offers several benefits to small business owners. Firstly, it provides a clear and visual representation of the business model, making it easier to understand and communicate. This can be particularly useful for small businesses, where communication and understanding are key to success.

Secondly, the Value Driver Tree provides a systematic approach to analysing the performance of a business. By breaking down the business into its key components and measuring performance against these components, business owners can gain a deeper understanding of their business, identify areas for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities.

Creating a Value Driver Tree

Creating a Value Driver Tree involves several steps. The first step is to identify the overall business objective. This could be anything from increasing revenue to improving customer satisfaction. Once the overall objective has been identified, it can be broken down into smaller, more manageable components, each representing a key driver of value creation.

The next step is to identify the relationships between the different components of the business. This involves understanding how changes in one area of the business can impact others. Once these relationships have been identified, they can be represented visually on the Value Driver Tree.

Identifying Key Drivers

The key drivers of value creation are the aspects of the business that have the greatest impact on the overall business objective. These could include things like sales volume, price, cost, and customer satisfaction. Identifying these key drivers is a critical step in creating a Value Driver Tree.

Once the key drivers have been identified, they can be represented visually on the Value Driver Tree. This involves placing the overall business objective at the top of the tree, and then breaking it down into the key drivers. Each driver is then linked to the others, showing the relationships between the different aspects of the business.

Measuring Performance

Once the Value Driver Tree has been created, the next step is to measure performance against the key drivers. This involves identifying indicators for each driver, and then tracking performance against these indicators. These indicators could include things like sales volume, price, cost, and customer satisfaction.

Measuring performance against the key drivers provides a way to track progress towards the overall business objective. It also provides a way to identify areas for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities. By regularly measuring performance and taking action based on the results, business owners can drive their business towards success.

Using the Value Driver Tree

The Value Driver Tree is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of ways. One of the most common uses is for strategic planning. By understanding the key drivers of value creation, business owners can develop strategies to improve performance in these areas, and drive their business towards success.

The Value Driver Tree can also be used for performance management. By measuring performance against the key drivers, business owners can track progress towards their business objectives, identify areas for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities.

Strategic Planning

The Value Driver Tree can be a powerful tool for strategic planning. By understanding the key drivers of value creation, business owners can develop strategies to improve performance in these areas. This could involve things like increasing sales volume, improving customer satisfaction, or reducing costs.

By using the Value Driver Tree as a guide, business owners can ensure that their strategies are aligned with their business objectives, and that they are focusing their efforts on the areas that will have the greatest impact on their success.

Performance Management

The Value Driver Tree can also be used for performance management. By measuring performance against the key drivers, business owners can track progress towards their business objectives. This provides a way to identify areas for improvement, and take action to realise these opportunities.

By regularly measuring performance and taking action based on the results, business owners can drive their business towards success. The Value Driver Tree provides a systematic approach to performance management, helping business owners to stay focused and motivated, and to achieve their business objectives.


The Value Driver Tree is a powerful tool that can help small business owners to understand their business better, make informed decisions, and drive their business towards success. It provides a systematic approach to analysing the performance of a business, identifying areas for improvement, and taking action to realise these opportunities.

Whether used for strategic planning, performance management, or simply to gain a deeper understanding of the business, the Value Driver Tree can be a valuable asset for any small business owner. By embracing the philosophy of the Value Driver Tree, business owners can foster a culture of continuous improvement, and drive their business towards success.

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