How to become a Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant (VA) is an increasingly popular career choice for those looking to work remotely and flexibly. A VA provides administrative, creative, or technical support to business owners by working remotely from a home office. With more business owners looking for great work/life balance, virtual assistants are growing in popularity and demand is soaring. Whether you’re looking to replace your full-time job or supplement your income with part-time or occasional jobs—there are plenty of opportunities for Virtual Assistants in Australia. Here’s how to get started.
Step 1: Get skilled up
In order to become a VA, there are certain skills that you need to have under your belt. Depending on the type of services you’re offering, this could include knowledge of the software and systems used by businesses, such as Salesforce and the Microsoft Office Suite of programs like Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. You may also need experience with coding languages such as HTML or CSS. To demonstrate these skills, it helps to have formal qualifications in areas such as business administration or IT. However, certifications are not always necessary; many clients may value experience over qualifications. To narrow down your focus, identify the type of VA services you want to provide, and where the demand is, and start upskilling from there.
Step 2: Show off via your portfolio
Once you know what types of services you can offer, it’s important to show prospective clients those service offerings further by creating a portfolio that displays your skills and experiences. This is where having certifications or coursework can come in handy. You should also create a website that outlines the services you offer and provides potential clients with examples of past work that demonstrates your abilities. If possible, try to showcase testimonials from past clients who have used your services before. Include an enquiry form or phone number so that potential clients can easily reach you to chat further.
Step 3: Set your fees
When setting your pricing as a VA, it is important to consider your experience level, the type of services you offer, the number of hours you are available to work, and your desired income level. It is also helpful to research the going rates for VAs in your area so that you can price yourself competitively. As a VA you’ll also have to decide how you want to charge your time. Is it a fixed hourly rate, or a retainer model, where clients can get an allocation of your time over a month.
Step 4: Market your services
Once you have developed your service offerings and created a portfolio website showcasing them, the next step is marketing yourself online. There are several ways to do this: social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are great places to start building relationships with potential clients; platforms like Upwork allow freelancers from all over the world to connect with businesses looking for remote workers; networking is another great way to meet people who might be interested in hiring you for their projects; finally, don't forget about word-of-mouth referrals – let friends, family members and colleagues know about the services that you offer so they can spread the word about your business. To help you identify the right target market, take this quick target market quiz. This will ensure you allocate budget to targeting the right people.
Step 5: Lodge your tax return
Now that your business is established and you are earning income, you’ll need to lodge your BAS and tax to the ATO. Having a business bank account makes it easy to divide your income and expenses between business and personal use. Thriday allows you to open a business transaction account online in minutes. Thriday also has the added advantage of helping you prepare your BAS and tax by automatically taking care of your financial admin and receipts. You can sign up for a free trial today.
Becoming a Virtual Assistant in Australia is an excellent way for those wanting flexible work arrangements, include mums who may be returning to paid work or wanting to balance child care at home. To get started, invest time into developing a portfolio website showcasing your services along with marketing yourself online through social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn. With determination and commitment—you'll be well on your way towards becoming a successful VA.