Get a Grip: How to Master the Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet

August 28, 2024
minutes to read
Warren More
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Running a small business is hard, but it's infinitely harder if you don't get a grip on your finances. Keeping track of your financials is critical to making informed business decisions. Management reports, such as income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets, play a huge role in breaking down your business's performance. In this blog, we'll explore the purpose of management reports and dive into the specifics of reading and generating income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets. We'll also provide examples of each type of report and show you how Thriday can automate your financial reporting processes.

Income Statement (P&L report) 

An income statement, also known as a profit and loss (P&L) report, shows a company's revenues, expenses, and net income (or loss) over a specific period. This report is essential for understanding a company's profitability and financial performance. 

To generate an income statement with Thriday, log in to your account, go to the tax screen, select the generate financial reports option, and then choose income statement. Thriday's user-friendly interface makes generating financial reports a breeze, even if you're not a financial expert. 

When reading an income statement, it's essential to understand the different sections and what they represent. The top section typically includes revenues and the cost of goods sold (COGS), while the middle section displays operating expenses, such as salaries and rent. The bottom section shows net income or loss. 

Analysing an income statement can help you identify trends and areas for improvement in your business. For example, if your COGS are increasing while revenues are stagnant, you may need to re-evaluate your pricing strategy or find ways to reduce your cost of goods sold. 

Here's an example of an income statement from Thriday: 

Thriday Income Statement Example


Join Thriday for free to generate and download income statements for your business. With Thriday, you can easily track your company's financial performance and make informed decisions to help your business grow. 


Cash Flow Statement 

A cash flow statement provides a detailed breakdown of a company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period. This report helps business owners, and investors understand how cash moves through a company and identify potential cash flow issues. 

Generating a cash flow statement with Thriday is easy. Select the cash flow statement option on the generate financial reports screen. Thriday's software will automatically calculate your cash inflows and outflows to generate a detailed report. 

When reading a cash flow statement, there are three sections to consider: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Operating activities include cash flows related to the business's day-to-day operations, such as sales and expenses. Investing activities include cash flows related to buying or selling assets, while financing activities include cash flows related to borrowing or paying back loans. 

Reviewing a cash flow statement will highlight areas where you need to improve your cash flow management. For example, if you're consistently spending more cash than you're bringing in, you may need to adjust your expenses or find ways to increase your revenue. 

Here's an example of a cash flow statement from Thriday: 

Thriday Cash Flow Statement Example


Join Thriday for free to generate and download cash flow statements for your business. With Thriday, you can easily monitor your cash flow and identify potential cash flow issues before they become a problem. 


Balance Sheet 

A balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. It shows the company's assets, liabilities, and equity and provides a comprehensive financial health overview. 

Generating a balance sheet with Thriday is easy. Select the balance sheet option, and Thriday's software will automatically calculate your assets, liabilities, and equity to generate a detailed report. 

When reading a balance sheet, there are three sections to consider: assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets include cash, accounts receivable, and property, while liabilities include accounts payable and loans. Equity represents the value of the business that's attributable to its owners. 

Reading a balance sheet can help you understand how your company's assets are used and whether you have enough equity to cover your liabilities. For example, if your liabilities exceed your assets, you may need to find ways to increase your equity or pay down your debts. 

Here's an example of a balance sheet from Thriday: 

Thriday Balance Sheet Example


Join Thriday for free and create balance sheets for your business. With Thriday, you can easily monitor your company's financial health and make informed decisions to help your business grow. 


Other Types of Popular Reports 

In addition to income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets, many other reports can provide valuable insights into a company's performance. Some of the most popular types of management reports in Thriday include: 

  • Expenses Report: This report breaks down all your costs by categories. Reviewing this report lets you identify areas where you may be spending too much money. 
  • Income Report: This report breaks down all your income by categories. By analysing this report, you can identify your key revenue drives and prioritise more investment in those areas to improve your cash flow. 
  • Sales Report: This report shows how much revenue your company generates and where that revenue is coming from. By analysing this report, you can identify which products or services are most profitable and adjust your sales strategy accordingly. 
  • Budget vs. Actual Report: This report compares your actual financial results to your budgeted amounts. By analysing this report, you can identify areas where you're over or under budget and adjust your spending accordingly. 


Management Report FAQs

What are management reports?

Management reports are financial reports prepared for use by a company's management team to assist with making business decisions. These reports typically provide information about the company's financial performance, including revenue, expenses, and profitability.

What is the purpose of management reports?

Management reports provide management with accurate and timely financial information to help them make informed decisions about the company's operations and financial performance. These reports identify trends, track progress toward goals, and make strategic decisions.

What are some examples of management reports?

Some examples of management reports include income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, budget reports, and variance reports.

Who prepares management reports?

Management reports are typically prepared by the company's accounting or finance team. In some cases, the company may outsource the preparation of these reports to a third-party provider or use automated accounting software like Thriday.

How often are management reports prepared?

The frequency of management reports can vary depending on the company's needs. Some companies prepare these reports every month, while others may prepare them quarterly or annually.

What should be included in a management report?

A management report should include key financial metrics such as revenue, expenses, net income, and cash flow. It should also provide an analysis of these metrics, highlighting trends and identifying areas where the company can improve its financial performance.

Who uses management reports?

Management reports are typically used by the company's management team, including executives and department heads, to make strategic decisions about the company's operations and financial performance. Investors or other stakeholders may also use them to evaluate the company's financial health.

Management reports are essential tools for understanding the financial health of your business. Income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets provide valuable insights into your company's performance and can help you make informed decisions about your business. 

By using Thriday to generate these reports, you can save time and ensure accuracy in your financial reporting. Thriday's software is user-friendly, affordable, and designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Don't wait until tax season to start thinking about your finances. With Thriday, you can monitor your business performance regularly to stay on top of your company's financial health all year round. 

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